Elena Dementieva photoHappy Birthday to Elena Dementieva who turns 27 today. She was born in Moscow, Russia, Oct. 15, 1981, and turned pro Aug. 25, 1998 at the age of 16. So far in her career, she has 10 career WTA Tour singles titles, 6 WTA Tour doubles titles, 3 ITF Women’s Circuit singles titles, and 3 ITF Women’s Circuit doubles titles, along with being a gold medalist at the Beijing Olympics in 2008. She is currently ranked No. 5 in the world.

According to Sportal, Dementieva has been confirmed as the first big name for the 2009 ASB Classic in Auckland. The fact that Dementieva is included is a notable first for the ASB Classic as the Russian star is the first top-five ranked player to play in the tournament at Auckland’s ASB Tennis Centre. The event will be held Jan. 5-10, 2009.

Hopefully Dementieva will have some time to spend at the beach on her birthday, to relax, and get ready for her next big tournament!