Serve and Volley Video 1: Move in Quick – Click Here!

Serve and Volley Video 3: First Volley Technique – Click Here!

While serve and volley has become more and more difficult to execute on the pro tour it is still absolutely a viable strategy for recreational level tennis players! How can you be successful implementing it? This three part series will show you.

In today’s video you’re going to learn what could possibly be THE most important part of being successful at serve and volley: balancing yourself with a split step on the way up to the net.

Important: do NOT pick a place on the court to split step at as you serve and volley! I explain why and also discuss proper execution of the split step in the video below.

Question: what do you think I’ll be covering in video 3 of this series? Most of you got today’s topic correct in your guess (awesome job!) but the third and final topic will be much more tricky to get right. Let me know what you think below along with any other comments or questions.

Split Step 3 Video Series — Click Here!

Click the link above to check out my completely free series of videos about being successful at the split step. It’s extremely detailed and in depth!