Once you’ve completed the stretches exercises featured in the first video of this series then it’s time to strengthen your forearm to fully rehabilitate that tennis elbow!

Video 1 of 3 – Tennis Elbow Treatment – Stretches – Click Here!

Video 3 of 3 – Rice and Rubber Bands – Click Here!

Both tennis elbow and golfers elbow are super frustrating and debilitating, but my guest in this series is very, very experienced at treating both. Hopefully the information that Ryan shares is a huge help to you!

Important – Only perform the stretches in the first video if it doesn’t cause pain, and only move on from the stretches to the exercises featured in this video if they don’t cause you pain either. As always, you should seek personalized attention from a qualified medical professional before trying to rehab any injury yourself. Every body is different and every injury is different.